The Best Magnesium Spray 2024

best magnesium spray 2024

Toss and turning all night, with still a long way to come up on Sandman’s waiting list? 

A good shut-eye sleep is the recharge you need—but you can’t drift into a slumber. 

Maybe you need a wonder mineral that caters to over 300 bodily functions, from regulating sleep and easing muscle tension to boosting energy and keeping your mood sunny-side up.

So many foods and nutrients can help us with our sleep issues. But we’re talking about magnesium—something we don’t get enough of through our diet. Thus, in this read, we’ll explore the best magnesium sprays available in the market in 2024. 

Let’s hope it helps you catch up on your sleep, along with several other benefits to your body, keeping you more productive and healthy.  

CYMBIOTIKA Topical Magnesium Oil Spray

The first on our list of the best magnesium sprays, and for a good reason, is Cymbiotika’s topical magnesium oil spray

Think of it as a natural supplement that helps increase the overall magnesium levels in your body—making up for all the magnesium you don’t get from your diet somehow. 

This spray is made with plant-based ingredients like magnesium chloride, lavender extract, and aloe vera leaf juice with no side effects. It can help with muscle and joint pain, relaxation, and sleep. 

It’s very simple to use—Spray and rub it onto your skin, and avoid sensitive areas and clothing until it absorbs. Make sure to store it in a cool, dry place. 

Also, Cymbiotika is very careful and responsible for the environment, which is why this spray is vegan, gluten-free, and GMO-free, with no harsh chemicals or additives.

Seven Minerals Pure Magnesium Oil Spray

The second on our list of the best magnesium sprays is this incredibly highly-rated Seven Minerals pure magnesium oil spray. 

The standing point of this spray is the bold claim that it offers 100% pure, elemental magnesium. 

Many users praise it for having no frills or added ingredients—delivering magnesium directly raw to your cells. 

So, if you’re looking for a no-nonsense, strong relaxant for soothing muscle aches, cramps, and headaches, go for Seven Minerals pure magnesium oil spray.

Also, many reviews report that this spray improves sleep quality, helping you get rid of restless nights. 

A disclaimer: pure magnesium can sometimes feel more intense on the skin, so less is more.

EssentiallyBased Magnesium Oil Spray

The third on our list of the best magnesium sprays comes straight from Texas. The EssentiallyBased magnesium oil spray focuses on natural pain relief with no side effects whatsoever. 

So, whether you’re suffering from back-breaking body aches, head-spinning migraines, muscle tension, leg cramps, or muscle spasms, this spray can bring you a sweet sigh of relief. 

Moreover, the chemical properties of magnesium offer you a dose of relaxation, calming your mind and body for a potentially deeper sleep. 

And if you’re feeling creative, you can use this spray in a far more interesting way—add it to baths for a full-body soak, soothe tired feet with a targeted foot soak, or even use it as a massage oil for a double whammy of relaxation. 

One thing to note, though, is that just like the Seven Minerals spray, it might have a slightly stronger feel due to its purity. 

Thus, it’s highly recommended to start slow and adjust accordingly.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Spray Bottle

The fourth on our list of the best magnesium sprays comes packed with high-quality, concentrated power. 

The Ancient Minerals magnesium oil spray, as the name might hint, comes with extremely superior purity standards. 

Users have claimed that it delivers a very strong dose of magnesium for those seeking maximized benefits.

Another differentiating element for this one is its convenient packaging. 

Unlike others, Ancient Minerals magnesium oil spray comes in a handy spray bottle. This makes targeted application very easy, whether you’re focusing on sore muscles, tight shoulders, or simply seeking a good night’s sleep. 

Ancient Minerals also offers other benefits like stress relief, muscle recovery, and cramps.

Health and Wisdom Pure Magnesium Oil

The fifth on our list of the best magnesium sprays is highly renowned for its therapeutic-grade quality, prioritizing safety and effectiveness for various uses. 

The Health and Wisdom pure magnesium oil might not pack the fancy extras of some contenders, but it’s often admired for pure, high-quality magnesium. 

Also, many users suggest that this spray can be used in multiple ways—making versatility its unique selling proposition. 

Whether you prefer a targeted spray, a soothing lotion, a comforting rub, or even a relaxing bath, Health and Wisdom pure magnesium oil could be the right choice for you.

No matter your preference, you will get all the good things that come with magnesium wherever you want.  Enjoy a deeper, more restful sleep—a welcome change for those struggling with insomniac nights.

Why Buy A Magnesium Oil Spray?

Experts suggest that magnesium deficiency can be a major culprit behind disrupted sleep patterns, among other sleep allergens—and there’s good science behind it.

Our body has Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)—a neurotransmitter whose job is to keep the nervous system calm. What magnesium does is regulate GABA, turning it into a sedative that could help you fall on your pillow and sleep like a baby. 

That’s why people use magnesium oil sprays to improve their sleep quality and optimize their sleep patterns and routines. 

But the benefits of magnesium go far beyond that. It helps you with:

  • Muscle Relaxation: Magnesium helps calm nerves and muscles, making it easier to unwind.
  • Melatonin Production: Magnesium plays a role in producing melatonin—a hormone that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle.
  • Reduced Stress: Magnesium helps lower stress hormones like cortisol, keeping you fresh and light all day and night. 
  • Type 2 Diabetes: While research on magnesium supplements is ongoing, studies suggest a diet rich in magnesium might lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Blood Pressure: Magnesium may help keep your blood pressure in check, potentially benefiting those with hypertension.
  • Migraine: Some studies hint that taking magnesium supplements could help prevent migraine headaches.

Wrapping It Up

Magnesium oil sprays are a simple yet powerful tool to boost your magnesium levels and experience a range of health benefits. 

From muscle recovery and stress relief to deeper sleep and improved overall well-being, incorporating a magnesium spray into your routine can help you a lot. 

With so many options available, finding the right one for you is easy. The best we would suggest is Cymbiotika’s topical magnesium oil spray

Frequently Asked Questions

Which kind of magnesium is best for sleep?

To help with sleep, magnesium glycinate is recognized as the best form of magnesium as it’s easy for the body to absorb. 

Is magnesium glycinate or citrate better for sleep?

Magnesium is available in many forms, each combination most appropriate for different conditions. Magnesium citrate is most helpful for people suffering from constipation. The glycinate form is more useful for conditions like anxiety, insomnia, chronic stress, and inflammatory conditions.

Let’s Have A Chat

Curious about how magnesium can benefit you? Don’t just wonder, ask! 

Chat with our friendly experts at Wonderwise today via WhatsApp or use the chat icon on our website. 

We’re eager to answer your questions and provide personalized guidance on your wellness journey. 

Take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle by starting a conversation right now. 

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